INN assigned: vipoglanstat (GS-248) for the treatment of endometriosis

Gesynta Pharma is delighted to announce that the company's drug candidate, formerly known as GS-248, has been granted the recommended non-proprietary name (INN) "vipoglanstat" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Vipoglanstat is set to advance into clinical phase II development as a treatment for endometriosis. This innovative drug works by inhibiting the mPGES-1 enzyme, reducing the production of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). The new substance name, "vipoglanstat," incorporates the prefix "vipo-" for the specific substance and the stem "-glanstat" for a broader category of pharmaceutical substances classified by the WHO as "prostaglandin synthase inhibitors." The INN system, established by the WHO, aims to streamline the global identification of active drug substances.

For further details, please see the press release.

WHO flag photo, cropped. Credit: FishInWater. / CC BY 2.0

Learn more about Gesynta Pharma

Gesynta Pharma bases its R&D on groundbreaking research from the Karolinska Institutet.

Our executive team and board of directors hold vast experience in drug development, commercialization and company scale-up.

Endometriosis is a chronic, inflammatory, estrogen-dependent disease affecting millions of women worldwide.

Our lead drug candidate vipoglanstat is in clinical phase II, while GS-073 is ready to enter clinical phase I.